I would like to highlight a particular advert that is currently airing on television. (I tried to find a video version but they are all not working...here is a link to a newspaper article about the advert). Basically a number of world leaders make very strong statements about the global financial crisis and then the opposition leader is shown supposedly disagreeing with all of them.
The advert then closes out with a homemaker in her kitchen making a plea to voters, the opposition does not really know what is going on. Trust me, you should vote for the other party....
My issue with the advert is that the message brought by the advert is : Don't vote for the opposition - they disagree with the global view. Don't vote for the opposition, there leader does not know what he is talking about. Don't vote for the opposition - they are not adequately qualified to be leading you..........brought to you by some lady in her kitchen!
If I cannot rely on an elected official because of some statements edited into a slick package why in the world would I rely on the opinion of some random person commenting on this?
What is your marketing message? Is it consistent? Does it contradict itself? Does it build your brand or compromise it?
As a non-resident I cannot vote. I have no party affiliation. This article is purely a comment on marketing message.
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